Wednesday, 30 March 2016

About Me

I am a 29 year old male living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I started my life as a good kid in a good family in Canada. From an early age I was more of an introvert and a shy person. I did well in school and believed that doing well in school was the key to a good life. By the time I began university, I had experimented with drugs, and began to question everything about our society and what I had been taught.

I left university and moved to Vancouver, BC at the age of 19 and began working on a renovation project. I met many interesting people and had many adventures. Throughout my 20's I tried many different jobs and tried going back to school but without success. Things never felt quite right and I spent most of my time in libraries or on the internet reading about spirituality or philosophy and trying to figure out the meaning of life.

In 2009, things were going fairly well; I was doing reno work and was seeing a woman. When things stopped working out with this woman, I was devastated even though we hadn't know each other for very long and things started to fall apart in my life. By 2010, something wasn't quite right and I began experience severe fatigue, which I suspect was adrenal fatigue. I also then read the book 'the power of now', which made me realize that my whole life I had avoided living in the moment and instead lived in my mind fixated on thoughts of the future and the past.

Because I had had bad experiences with doctors, I avoided seeking medical attention and instead tried self-diagnosis. I had a lot of muscular pain and tried to get help with other specialists such as an osteopath, a chiropractor, physiotherapists, and massage therapists. My financial situation deteriorated and I began living off of credit cards and family assistance.

As the year 2012 began, I began to awaken more. I discovered that the fascia in my body was damaged, I discovered that our planet was going through an ascension, and I discovered the radio show 'coast to coast am' where I learned about reptilians and astral travel. I also discovered David Wilcock and Cobra. This really opened my mind and I connected with like minded individuals on the internet who were all into the Dec 21st, 2012 phenomena.

Dec 21st, came and went, and I admit, to my surprise, nothing significant occurred. Unfortunately, I was still stuck in the same body with pain and fatigue waiting for the nightmare on planet Earth to end. In 2013, I left my grandparents home and tried to start another job without success. I decided then to move into a homeless shelter and tried sleeping outdoors as well. It was an interesting experience but before long I was back at my grandparents house but with one significant change. I had seen a doctor at the shelter who diagnosed me with psychosis.

This began a new chapter in my life. Because of my unusual beliefs and inability to function as a productive member in society along with the symptoms of depression, low energy, poor concentration, etc. I was told I was having delusions and had a psychotic episode. The good news was that I began to get financial assistance from the government. I had recently declared bankruptcy and had a fresh start financially.

2014 turned out to be the toughest year of my life. It started out with extreme depression and loneliness and midway through the year I experienced restlessness from my anti-psychotic medication, abilify, which was so brutal that the term restlessness just doesn't do it justice. After more than six months of medical treatment I was told I had schizophrenia. I continued to share my thoughts honestly with my psychiatrist and told her I believed there was damage done to my fascia and that this world was being controlled by evil alien beings.

In 2015, I discovered silver and made my first purchase. This opened up my world to new ideas and concepts relating to money and precious metals. By the end of 2015, I was doing a little bit of reno work and feeling not too bad for the first time in a long time. Now, it's 2016 and I feel like things are starting to look up and by next year things might even be good.

Those are the highlights of my life, I hope someone out there can relate and has perhaps had similar experiences. Thank you for reading.

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