Here's a portion of the interview:
Yes. Very interesting.
Q. I know there’s been a lot of technical devices and various things that I probably don’t even know how to pronounce properly. How much more of the strangelet bombs and other espionage technology that is out there, how much is left to clear? And how is that affecting humanity?
There is a certain degree of this that still has to be cleared, but much has been resolved and this is the deeper occult reason why we have been quarantined in the first place – why we’ve been hostages in the first place. Without that technology we would have been free sometime ago.
Q. How is that quarantine working? I’ve heard, hasn’t the quarantine somewhat been lifted at this point?
It is in the process of being lifted, but it has not been lifted yet. Because when the quarantine will be lifted, we will no longer be limited to the surface of the planet. The surface population will not just be limited to the surface of the Planet, but Space travel will open again. Contact with other races will open again.
Nice. Very good. That is excellent.
Q. It seems that Plasma Energy has been used for damaging space weaponry by other races and perhaps even in our own ancient history. It is now emerging as a possible solution to our planetary energy needs and space travel. Would you give us your input on this?
OK Plasma plainly is one of the biggest secrets, one of the most suppressed aspects of creation, and the Plasma plainly is both the key for suppression of knowledge, and the key for our Liberation. And advanced beings using these technologies are helping right now with the Planetary Liberation process.
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