Just having some fun by bringing together different subject matters including silver stacking and the extraterrestrial/extradimensional and hoping to connect with like minded people.
So what is silver stacking? Silver stacking is the accumulation of silver bullion by people who believe that silver is real money as opposed to fiat money (dollar, yen, etc.)
Why stack silver? First of all, I believe that the price of silver does not reflect it's true value and therefore buying it at currently $20 or so Canadian is guaranteed to make you wealthy in the long run. But it goes far deeper than that. It is an act of liberating yourself from the matrix. You see, every dollar that goes into silver, is bringing us closer to crashing the system, i.e. accelerating the collapse of power of the so called illuminati and those off world beings who rule the illuminati. Once enough people own precious metals the value of the dollar will become worthless or will reflect its intrinsic value, i.e. paper, perhaps used as toilet paper.
What does the word Pleiadian mean? Pleiadians are supposedly ET's or ED's (extradimensional) beings originating from the Pleiades that are assisting Earth and their inhabitants to overcome darkness, achieve disclosure, become enlightened, and eventually ascend to higher dimensions. They are supposed to be the aliens that most resemble us, at least physically, and are also known as the nordics. Most of my information regarding this subject matter comes from the intel given through the website 2012portal.blogspot.ca
I hope you'll join me for the ride and comment on my blog. We have come a long way since the ascension process really began, in my opinion somewhere around 2010. 2016 is finally getting to be a little bit easier and I feel like many exciting changes are realistically going to come about. Unlike all the hype of 2012 we are really now living in those times of change.
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